Jean Ribault originally named the island after the month of May as he landed on it in the third day of that month in 1562. The Franciscans who colonized it from 1573 called it Isla de Santa María. When Oglethorpe scouted it in 1735, he named it after George II's daughter, Amelia, and by this name is the isle known to this day.
Fernandina was founded on Amelia Island in 1811 under the Leyes de Indias of 1680 and named after Fernando VII, who at the time was an involuntary guest of Napoleon at the Château de Valençay.
The Seaman's nephews, sister and brother-in-law joined the crew for Christmas. Here the nephews take the Peregrinus kayak for a jaunt in the storied Fernandina riverfront.
27 December 2014. iPhone 6 Plus.