Octavian's best friend, general and all-around master builder, Agrippa, built the port at Pandateria, now called Ventotene. The port still stands, repaired, but unaltered from the way Agrippa built it.
Motoring into this harbor was the highlight our visit to the Pontine islands, and meandering around the city above, looking for mementos and gossip of his wife, known libertine, Ventotene exile, and daughter of the Emperor, Julia the Elder, was pure fun.
Original breakwater and quays by Agrippa, circa 25 BC. Among many other feats of engineering, his men built an earlier temple at the Pantheon, and this is why that church in Rome still reads, even today, in large letters: "M•Agrippa•L•F•Cos•Tertium•Fecit," or, Marco Agrippa, son of Lucius, built this during his third Consulship. 7 September 2016, iPhone 6 Plus.